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Price Discrepancy While Ordering
Price Discrepancy While Ordering

I'm Ordering a Product and the Price is Higher/Lower Than Specified

Updated over a week ago

What Do I Do If I'm in the Middle of an Order and There's a Price Discrepancy?

It's possible that the product price or coupon amount may not match up with what was stated on the questionnaire. We understand that errors like this can cause confusion, so this article will answer what you should do in this situation.

Questions & Answers

What are the potential reasons why my product price does not match the website's product price?

This could be due to the seller changing the price, having the wrong listing pulled up (Incorrect ASIN and/or Sold By), varying prices based on geographical location, or ordering from a non-Prime account that does not qualify for the extra savings (Amazon).

What do I do if the product price or coupon amount is higher or lower on the product listing than what the questionnaire states?

If there is a price discrepancy, please use the live chat to report it so we can review it and make any necessary adjustments.

What if I place an order then realize after the fact that there is a price discrepancy?

Please use the live chat to communicate the launch number and order number with the discrepancy, and we will review and make any necessary adjustments.

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