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Loyalty Badges

Explanation of the Loyalty Program and Badges

Updated over a week ago

Our Loyalty Program serves as the driving force behind earning rewards through your active engagement on our website. Every action you take on All Deals contributes to the accumulation of Loyalty Points, the key factor that advances you through Badge statuses and unlocks increasingly substantial rewards.

Starter Badge

Once you sign up for All Deals and complete your Account setup, you will automatically earn a Starter Badge. This badge is required to access any of our Brand Deals. You will remain on this badge until you earn 10 Loyalty Points.


  • 30-day payout schedule for redeemable Deal Points

  • Max of 3 Brand Deals per day/30 Brand Deals per month

    • Promo Deals do not count towards this limit.

  • Max of 2 Brand Deal "In Progress" at a time.

  • Max of 1 active Wishlist slot reserved at a time (Once this feature is available)

  • Access to these Deal Types:

    • Brand Deals with direct link to product

    • Promo Deals with direct link to product

    • Promo Deals you search for with the product title

Bronze Badge

After earning 10 Loyalty Points, you will automatically earn a Bronze Badge. You will remain on this badge until you earn 100 Loyalty Points.


  • 25-day payout schedule for redeemable Deal Points

  • Max of 4 Brand Deals per day/40 Brand Deals per month

    • Promo Deals do not count towards this limit.

  • Max of 3 Brand Deals "In Progress" at a time.

  • Max of 2 active Wishlist slot reserved at a time (Once this feature is available)

  • Access to these Deal Types:

    • Brand Deals with direct link to product

    • Brand Deals you search for with the product title

    • Promo Deals with direct link to product

    • Promo Deals you search for with the product title

    • Promo Deals you search for with linked keywords

Silver Badge

After earning 100 Loyalty Points, you will automatically earn a Silver Badge. You will remain on this badge until you earn 250 Loyalty Points.


  • 20-day payout schedule for redeemable Deal Points

  • Max of 5 Brand Deals per day/50 Brand Deals per month

    • Promo Deals do not count towards this limit.

  • Max of 4 Brand Deals "In Progress" at a time.

  • Max of 3 active Wishlist slot reserved at a time (Once this feature is available)

  • Access to these Deal Types:

    • Brand Deals with additional Deal Points offered as a bonus

    • Brand Deals with direct link to product

    • Brand Deals you search for with the product title

    • Brand Deals you search for with linked keywords

    • Promo Deals with direct link to product

    • Promo Deals you search for with the product title

    • Promo Deals you search for with linked keywords

Gold Badge

After earning 250 Loyalty Points, you will automatically earn a Gold Badge. You will remain on this badge until you earn 500 Loyalty Points.


  • 15-day payout schedule for redeemable Deal Points

  • Max of 6 Brand Deals per day/60 Brand Deals per month

    • Promo Deals do not count towards this limit.

  • Max of 4 Brand Deals "In Progress" at a time.

  • Max of 3 active Wishlist slot reserved at a time (Once this feature is available)

  • Access to these Deal Types:

    • Brand Deals with additional Deal Points offered as a bonus

    • Brand Deals with direct link to product

    • Brand Deals you search for with the product title

    • Brand Deals you search for with linked keywords

    • Promo Deals with direct link to product

    • Promo Deals you search for with the product title

    • Promo Deals you search for with linked keywords

Platinum Badge

After earning 500 Loyalty Points, you will automatically earn a Platinum Badge, our highest badge level! Congratulations!


  • 10-day payout schedule for redeemable Deal Points

  • Max of 7 Brand Deals per day/70 Brand Deals per month

    • Promo Deals do not count towards this limit.

  • Max of 4 Brand Deals "In Progress" at a time.

  • Max of 3 active Wishlist slot reserved at a time (Once this feature is available)

  • Access to these Deal Types:

    • Premium Brand Deals (Highly desirable/highest quality products)

    • Brand Deals with additional Deal Points offered as a bonus

    • Brand Deals with direct link to product

    • Brand Deals you search for with the product title

    • Brand Deals you search for with linked keywords

    • Promo Deals with direct link to product

    • Promo Deals you search for with the product title

    • Promo Deals you search for with linked keywords

Elite Badge

The Elite Badge is exclusive to our members who were active on our previous deal site, Elite Rebate. This badge cannot be earned by brand new members of All Deals. Only users who are granted this badge will see the exclusive perks offered.

NOTE: We are still actively building features that will serve as new perks for our Badges so keep an eye out for new, exciting rewards in the near future!

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