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Deal Steps

A full breakdown of each Deal Step for Brand Deals and Promo Deals

Updated over a week ago

Deal Step 1

  • At the top of Deal Step 1, you will have either a link or a title provided that will help you locate the correct product. Use this to find the product by referring to the product image, title, and price noted on this Deal Step.

  • If you have a Promo Deal, you will also see a promotional coupon code to apply at checkout. Please copy that for later.

  • Under the link or title, you will have some guidelines noted where you will have to check each box to agree that you have acknowledged them.

    • Note: The first two guidelines are the only two that may change.

      • Use coupons | Don't use coupons - This will let you know whether or not to apply any coupons to your order.

      • Can click sponsored products | Do not click sponsored products - Typically the rule is to NOT click on sponsored products, but sometimes if the product is difficult to find, a seller will allow you to purchase the sponsored product if you cannot find the organic one. If this is approved, it will be noted here.

  • The last field here is for you to enter the product ID to confirm that you have found the correct product. Product ID can be found in the website URL.

Deal Step 2

Deal Step 2 will be product-specific questions to answer after you find the correct product.

  • Approximate page you found the product on.

    • If the link brought you directly to you product, please note page 1.

  • Sold By Confirmation - Locate who the product is sold by here.

    • If this is not correct, it will not allow you to move onto Step 3.

  • Product Price - Please enter the product price from the listing. If it does not match the product price noted on this deal step, please report the discrepancy through the website chat.

Deal Step 3

Deal Step 3 will be more product-specific questions, however, these answers will be passed along to the seller.

  • Product ID of similar product you would have purchased instead of the current product.

    • If you scroll down the listing, there will be a section for similar products to choose from.

  • Listing improvement feedback - There is always room for improvement so please select an area of the listing that could be better and explain why.

  • Search phrases you would have used to find the product

    • Please fill out all 3 text boxes and include words from the title in each box.

Deal Step 4

Once you get to Step 4, it's time to:

  1. Purchase the product

  2. Enter the order number and an order screenshot.
    Order screenshots should display the order date, order number, product image/title, sold by, and price.

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